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What Does Dr. B and Johnny 5 from the Movie, "Short Circuit," Have in Common?

Well, we are both children of the 80s and we both escaped from a secret government facility. Ok, only one of those is a true statement. But seriously, I always loved when Johnny 5 first escaped from the lab and was running around Stephanie Speck’s house yelling, “More Input!”

Johnny 5 couldn't get enough information, he wanted to know everything and anything.

That’s how I feel when it comes to medicine. I really do spend my free time researching and getting more input.


#1 - I love it! I love research.

#2 - You have to if you want to remain on the cutting edge of science, medicine, and technology.

We are living in a world where new diseases or events happen in record time and it is up to us to stay in the know and stay prepared and healthy. This is why I combine my knowledge of Daoist Classical Chinese medicine with Functional and Nutritional medicine. Integrating the wisdom of ancient medicines of the past with the tip of the spear knowledge of today.

The humbling part of being a practitioner of medicine is you get to see firsthand when you’re right and when you're wrong.

My testing parameters are often sitting right in front of me giving me a detailed account of what is working and what isn’t. Studying in school, or reading medical journals can only get you so far. It’s the time-tested clinical empirical practice of medicine with real patients that gives you the best information, the greatest input. With over a decade in the medical field, I have had my fair share of what works and what doesn't.

I believe the world as a whole would be in a much better place if we would admit when we are wrong. It’s ok to be wrong. Being, “wrong”, guides us to what might work in the future. When we admit we don’t know, we make room for, more input. Letting go of what doesn't work while taking in what does is the hallmark of a good life.

If it’s been a while since I have seen you as a patient, then maybe it’s time we start fresh and get you back to living your best life again. If you're someone who is thinking about making the leap into a better life, through time tested clinical health and wellness protocols, then click on the button below.

We have all changed over these past 2 years and there really hasn’t been a better time than now, to pause, reflect and make a personal decree that life is not to be taken for granted.

I can’t wait to hear from you so we can share our collective input!

Author: Dr. Brian Caswell, AP, DOM, LAc

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